[seqfan] Re: So-called "junk" journals

Richard J. Mathar mathar at mpia-hd.mpg.de
Mon Apr 2 02:13:39 CEST 2018

Here is why some of my papers are in http://vixra.org/author/richard_j_mathar :

because it was rejected by arXiv. I never learend why, but I guess
I stepped onto some editor's turf here.

hung in the arXiv queue for over two weeks when I assumed that
they would probably not accept it. There was a rumour (spread
by the submission computer) that some of my equations were
out of bounds. Later on, when I inquired to arXiv what was
wrong with it, I got the answer that they were looking at it.
Now that stuff has got two sources, vixra and arxiv, arxiv
slightly newer and better.

There are also some in vixra where I know that they are written
too hastily to meet my own criteria of readability and,
although useful, not worth to spent too much effort on the subject.

The only downside I have seen is: any attempt of
cross-referencing from a wikipedia article to a vixra-article
will be definitely be deleted by wikipedians. That was the case with 
http://vixra.org/abs/1509.0140 [Ironically I wrote
the article, now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pouring_puzzle,
and my own publication was deleted as a source by David Eppstein
using "a notorious hive of crankery, not acceptable as a reliable
source" as his formula.]


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