[seqfan] Re: Can we create a workable taxonomy for classifying all the various kinds of sequences in the OEIS?

M. F. Hasler seqfan at hasler.fr
Mon Apr 9 20:06:26 CEST 2018

I think that such a taxonomy could be realized by allowing arbitrary custom
(maybe slightly moderated by Assoc.Editors), which would work like
mediawiki's "Categories",
and this could be an easy and efficient way to index, classify, and
cross-reference related sequences.
See oeis.org/wiki/User:M._F._Hasler/Categories for more details.


On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 6:13 PM, Wayne VanWeerthuizen wrote:

> On 4/7/2018 1:17 PM, Georg.Fischer wrote:
> > But I think it is totally impossible to *manually* introduce any
> additional
> > classification of the OEIS sequences (because of their huge number).
> Again, I did not intend to suggest we classify every sequence. I was
> asking about a consistent nomenclature for simply talking about the
> different general ways sequences are generated. It's the list itself of
> possible categories that interests me, and not necessarily actually having
> every specific sequence categorized and tagged. And I'm not convinced that
> the huge number of sequences implies a huge number of meta-rules for
> sequence generation. I still expect a list of meta-rules to be relatively
> short, given the vast majority of OEIS sequences appear to be generated by
> essentially quite similar procedures. Again, one of my examples was that
> the OEIS already has hundreds, maybe even thousands of, "least k such
> that..." sequences. What other kinds of procedures are akin to this?

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