[seqfan] Re: A064736, A217579 and A302350

michel.marcus at free.fr michel.marcus at free.fr
Thu Apr 12 06:20:16 CEST 2018

Hi all, 

Thanks for your answers. 
But my question was more like how do I find the sequences that have this property within the 302000+ OEIS sequences. 
If I search for link:""Index entries for sequences that are permutations of the natural numbers" I get 176 pages with 10 sequences each. 
I won't go to each sequence and copy the data section or save the source bfile with my browser. 

I would like to find the magical https//oeis.search/ query params that would return to me the list of all permutations sequences or the data for all of them in a single shot. 
Do we have this? 

Best regards. 

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