[seqfan] Re: A064736, A217579 and A302350

Sean A. Irvine sairvin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 13:13:24 CEST 2018


I don't know if it is possible to change the number of results returned per
page for a query.   I also don't know what kind of OS you have, but from
the command line in Linux the following will run through all the pages for
your query extracting the A number and sequence data line.  It's not an
ideal or nice solution, the sleep lets the server have a little rest
between the queries.

# Ugly hack.
for page in {0..176}; do
    wget -q -O - "
| grep -v title | sed -n '/>A[0-9]\{6\}/s/.*\(A[0-9]\{6\}\).*/\1/p;/<tt>/p'
    sleep 15

An alternative, if you can somehow get a list of the required A numbers
direct from the index would be to zgrep the relevant sequences directly
from the stripped.gz file available here: https://oeis.org/stripped.gz


On 12 April 2018 at 16:20, <michel.marcus at free.fr> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks for your answers.
> But my question was more like how do I find the sequences that have this
> property within the 302000+ OEIS sequences.
> If I search for link:""Index entries for sequences that are permutations
> of the natural numbers" I get 176 pages with 10 sequences each.
> I won't go to each sequence and copy the data section or save the source
> bfile with my browser.
> I would like to find the magical https//oeis.search/ query params that
> would return to me the list of all permutations sequences or the data for
> all of them in a single shot.
> Do we have this?
> Best regards.
> Michel
> --
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