[seqfan] Re: Friedrich Engel's article "Entwicklung der Zahlen nach Stammbruechen"

Andrew N W Hone A.N.W.Hone at kent.ac.uk
Fri Apr 13 12:12:09 CEST 2018

Very interesting to read what Engel said. 

As somebody who only learned about Engel series rather recently, I found that there is a good short introduction in this book:

D. Duverney, Number Theory: An Elementary Introduction Through Diophantine
Problems, World Scientific, 2010. 

All the best,

From: SeqFan [seqfan-bounces at list.seqfan.eu] on behalf of Georg.Fischer [georg.fischer at t-online.de]
Sent: 12 April 2018 15:26
To: Sequence Fanatics Discussion list
Subject: [seqfan] Friedrich Engel's article "Entwicklung der Zahlen nach Stammbruechen"

Dear Seqfans,

32 sequences refer to Friedrich Engel's article in the
"Verhandlungen der 52. Versammlung deutscher Philologen
und Schulmaenner in Marburg", 1913, pp. 190-191.

That book seems still to be under copyright, and
I could not find any copy in the Internet (Engel died in 1941).
Therefore I ordered a German copy and translated
it into English (that may make it easier for you anyway),
and I placed the translation under my OEIS user page:

Please feel free to correct/enhance the translation
(my LaTeX capabilities are weak/25 years old), or
to move the document elsewhere. I place it in the
public domain.

Whether the 32 references should/could be turned into
links by some mass edit procedure is a question to
Neil and the OEIS administrators. I could do it
manually whem I'm told exactly how to ...

Best regards - Georg
Dr. Georg Fischer, Rotteckring 19, D-79341 Kenzingen
Tel. (07644) 913016, +49 175 160 7788, www.punctum.com

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