[seqfan] Re: Sequence from buggy polyomino counter

Jeremy Gardiner jeremy.gardiner at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 21 08:13:23 CET 2018

This is an interesting way of generating new sequences - by 'mutation' of a
sequence generating program. Worth trying on some of the programs already in
the OEIS. Analysing the resulting behaviour should be an interesting
exercise in itself (for a programmer anyway) - and in this case you'll have
to do the analysis anyway to find the bug :-)

On 20/12/18 16:03, "Allan Wechsler" <acwacw at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was trying to sharpen my Haskell skills by writing a program to
> compute
A048664, the number of different polyominos including the origin
> cell,
where rotations, translations, and reflections are considered
> distinct.

I wrote the code, compiled it a couple of times to get the syntax
> errors
out, and then tried it out. It has a bug. Instead of 1, 4, 18, 76, 315,
> it
produces 1, 4, 24, 192, 1856.

My first impulse was: fix the darned bug!
> But then I thought: wait a
second, maybe OEIS can help me find the bug. So I
> searched for the programs
buggy output sequence.

It's not in OEIS. Question:
> how much effort should I put into analyzing the
program's actual behavior? It
> might be doing something interesting that is
worth including. If anybody wants
> to try guessing, what's the next element?

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