[seqfan] Re: Naming advice

Georg.Fischer georg.fischer at t-online.de
Thu Mar 21 11:50:26 CET 2019

The one end are 8 names with more than 640 characters
(more than 8 punched cards): A093426, A107629, A120672,
A120686, A120687, A120688, A135317, A157199.
There are some 50 with more than 480 characters.

The HTML source of A135317 for example:
   {a href="/A135317" title="Sequence yielding an ordering
   of N*N derived from a family of recurrences. For any
   integer k define h(k,1)=1 and for n>1 def..."}A135317{/a}
shows that such long names are truncated anyway when the
user hovers over the name with his mouse.

The other end are some 20 sequences whose names
refer to >= 6 different A-numbers, for example:

   A179236 6 Irregular triangle T(n,k) = A096162(n,k)*
     A036040(n,k)* A048996(n,k)*A098546(n,k)* A178886(n,k)
     read by rows, 1<=k<=A000041(n).
with even a "nested" definition of:
   A048996 Preferred multisets: triangle of numbers
     refining A007318 using format described in A036038.

As a OEIS user with less mathematical knowledge and
experience in the OEIS I would prefer 1-2 lines
with a mixture of the formula and the wording.
For example in a sequence

   A230324 a(n) = A226158(n) - 2*A226158(n+1).

I would immediately be (dis-)interested if
the name were

   A230324 a(n) = A226158(n) - 2*A226158(n+1), related to
     the Riemann zeta function.
In the baptisement, our pastors ask the parents the
important question: "What shall be the name of the child?",
and they should agree on a name and be happy with
it during the lifetime of the child.

Best regards - Georg

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