[seqfan] puzzled by central binomials in A094796

Richard J. Mathar mathar at mpia-hd.mpg.de
Fri Nov 15 11:40:39 CET 2019

I don't understand A094796. By definition there
is a triangle/array D(n,k) where the column k=0 is A000984,
the column k=1 is A051924, and by my standards the
array D(n,k) starts

   1  ;
   2    4  ;
   6   14   36  ;
  20   50  132  358  ;
  70  182  490 1346 3748  ;
 252  672 1836 5094 14288 40404  ;
 924 2508 6930 19382 54692 155388 443886  ;
3432 9438 26312 74074 210080 599274 1717536 4941654  ;
12870 35750 100386 284154 809354 2316810 6659190 19206174 55555236  ;

There seems to be a claim in A094796 that D(n,k) divided
by binomial(2n,n) and product (n+i),i=1..k) gives an integer
array. But my result here is that P(n,k) := D(n,k)/[binomial(2n,n)*product(n+i,i=1..k))]
gives fractions, so column k of P(n,k) cannot be represented by a polynomial
with integer coefficients::

1 1 
1 7/9 1/2 
1 5/8 33/100 179/1200 
1 13/25 7/30 673/7350 937/29400 
1 4/9 17/98 283/4704 893/47628 481/90720 

In Maple:

Dnk := proc(n,k)
    option remember;
    if k < 0 then
        0 ;
    elif k = 0 then
        binomial(2*n,n) ;
        procname(n+1,k-1)-procname(n,k-1) ;
    end if;
end proc:
A094796 := proc(n,k)
    local i;
    Dnk(n,k)/binomial(2*n,n)/mul(n+i,i=1..k) ;
end proc:
for n from 0 to 8 do
for k from 0 to n do
    # printf("%4d ",Dnk(n,k)) ;
    printf("%a ",A094796(n,k)) ;
end do:
printf("\n") ;
end do:

Where is the error?

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