[seqfan] Sense of Mathematics No.2

zbi74583_boat at yahoo.co.jp zbi74583_boat at yahoo.co.jp
Sat Nov 16 03:51:48 CET 2019

        Hi Seqfans    Ex_4     "Kohdoh" related with A000110
    It is the ceremony of perfume   People play the game of smelling "Kohboku" and they meditate with them    Where    Kohdoh  means the road of perfume and  Kohboku   means perfume tree    It is difficult to explain Kohdoh   because the rule of the ceremony is rather complicated  Here is my friend's  home page  he is master of Kohdoh  he explains the ceremony exactly   ,Probably  you don't understand it   because  the translator  software's AI is not so smart
    I try to explain it roughly  Notice that people have knowledge of Mathematics of partition
    Master prepare  five sets of five little packages of tip  of perfume tree           He shuffles them and choose randomly five of twenty five  The possibilities of ordered choices become the number of partition  of numbered five objects    Guests smell packages of perfume in order and guess which partition it is  They write name of partition and the figure and Haiku related with the name    Here is names of partitions  You understand easily what the figures represent
    Origin of names of partition is title's names of 50 sections of "Genji Monogatari"   It is beautiful emperor's  love story which is written one thousand years ago  So  the ceremony is named "Genji Koh"  The figure "Genji Koh No Zu" is so popular that it is printed on Yukata which is  traditional clothe in summer
    I feel the fact that we have all names of partitions of ordered five objects and the figure is popular is interesting    It is too intelligent or Mathematical to be the culture on this  planet  We might be the descendant of ETI    For the partition of ordered n objects    I have read the cases of  n = 4  and  n = 6


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