[seqfan] Re: Websites on OEIS server

Sven Simon sven-h.simon at gmx.de
Sat May 30 11:15:47 CEST 2020

Hello Neil,
After a closer look on Achim Flammenkamp's webpage on multiperfect numbers I think it is best to give you all that work of putting it to the OEIS server. It does not make much sense if I make a Html file  of it, and there will be this or that missing or it is not in the right format while you can easily access it and make necessary changes. Almost certainly not all the links included are suitable to have on OEIS server. Might be we do not need any of the links at all. For example there is a search function to search in the numbers list, that would be a lot of work to migrate and it is not so urgent if you have the complete data file anyway. Of course parts of the webpage describing the search function would be not necessary then too.

The page itself without further links is useful already in my opinion, it has some interesting lists and graphics.

The link to his multiperfect numbers page is


OEIS sequence is A091443.

The link to his page is already at the OEIS  sequence. 
His permission is to make a copy of his multiperfect numbers page (link above) to place it on OEIS server, name it so it is clear it is a copy of his page and add the date of the copy in the name. The link already at the sequence shall remain, so when there are changes on his page at Uni Bielefeld, we get these too. And one can use his additional functionality on the original webpage.

For those who speak German, that is his permission statement:
Machen Sie ihre physische Kopie, stellen Sie diese oeffentlich, ABER packen sie einfach eine Anmerkung/Note das dies eine Kpoie der LINK-auf-original URL vom 2020-XX-YY ist.
Dann kann jeder der mag auf den Link klicken und wird, falls sie oder gar eine neuere Version dort ist diese sehen.


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