[seqfan] A168237 startup and offset

Allan Wechsler acwacw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 05:10:39 CET 2021

A168237 is the sequence 0,3,3,6,6,9,9,...

Its offset is 1.

It has a clever formula as definition, which boils down the multiples of 3
repeated, except for 0 which is only stated once.

Can anybody think of a good reason *not* to enhance it by adding A(0) = 0,
and changing the offset to 0? The clever formula still works, and I think
all the comments are still true. (I am slightly unsure of the E.g.f.) The
programs would have to be altered slightly, by somebody who knows
Mathematica and Magma, but surely the modification would be trivial.

All old searches would still match. And I think the resulting sequence
would be strictly simpler than what's there now. So that's why I'm asking
if I'm missing something.

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