[seqfan] Is this sequence related to A046901?

Ali Sada pemd70 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 18 23:35:29 CET 2021

Hi Everyone,

An object is moving starting from the origin while avoiding touching the x axis. Move n has n unit steps. The object starts by moving up one step. All the moves after that alternate between a horizontal step (only to the right) and vertical step (up or down but without going back). Also, the object cannot change direction within the same move. For example, in move 5, it moves up, right, up, right, up. It cannot go down. This pic might explain better

The sequence is the y coordinate of the last step in each move.  

1, 2, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2, 7, 2, 7, 1, 8, 1, 8, 16, 7,16, 7

Without repetition, this sequence seems like A046901. Is this a correct assumption? 



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