[seqfan] Re: Worry about old sequence, A030077, paths in K_n

Brendan McKay Brendan.McKay at anu.edu.au
Tue Apr 5 04:37:09 CEST 2022

Hi Tim,

I agree with your numbers for n=18.  Here is what I get for larger n.

n=19 all=1562275 admiss=1562275 difflengths=1562275
n=20 all=6906900 admiss=6871780 difflengths=6055315
n=21 all=10015005 admiss=10011302 difflengths=2571120
n=22 all=44352165 admiss=44247137 difflengths=44247137

If you can show that all admissible multisets are realizable for
n=20 or higher, that's an improvement on the conjecture.

Cheers, Brendan.

Note that I didn't test for realizability, this is just

On 5/4/2022 11:29 am, Tim Peters wrote:
> Thank you for the comments, Brendan! They were very clear and helpful.
> [Brendan McKay]
>> ...
>> I guess that the most expensive multisets to test are those which
>> are not realizable, but you can eliminate probably all of those by
>> testing for admissibility.
> Yes, the ones that aren't realizable required exhaustive search to
> prove they can't be materialized.
> My code yesterday required about 90 minutes to go all the way through a(17).
> After adding code to reject non-admissible multisets as soon as
> they're generated, the total time dropped to about an hour.
> So the relative handful of non-admissible multisets consumed over half
> an hour of CPU time to weed out via exhaustion. Very much worth
> avoiding.
>> Depending on how you are doing the bookkeeping, you can eliminate
>> most admissible multisets quickly by making a large number of
>> random paths.  Then you only need to test the admissible multisets
>> that have not been spotted.
> That is, pIck a permutation of the index set at random. Compute its
> chord multiset and add it to a set of all seen so far. Repeat until
> ... "a large number" ;-) Then when generating distinct multisets
> directly, skip over those already in that set.
> Devil's in the details. I stopped when 1000 * n tries were made in a
> row without finding a new multiset.
> Why? Why not ;-). That dropped the total runtime (through a(17)) down
> to 16 minutes. More valuable overall: less benefit per admissible
> multiset, but there are so very many more admissible than
> non-admissible multisets.
> Next step: I don't care about CPU time so much as wall-clock time
> here. So I spin off another process to do the random generation
> "forever", and communicate results back to the main program,
> concurrently with generating multisets directly. There's potentially a
> lot of redundant work this way, But it cut total wall-clock time to
> about 11 minutes. About a factor of 9 faster than yesterday's code
> overall;. I'll take it :-)
> FYI, the code just before multiprocessing was added completed n=18
> while I was at supper. As a sanity check, the results:
> n 18
> number weak compositions 1081575
> number of those not admissible 8845
> number admissible 1072730
> number of unique sums 445507
> I'm not surprised at the high number of duplicate sums. PSLQ finds 3
> simple identities involving integer linear combinations of sin(j * pi
> / 18) for j in 1 .. 9.
> 0.0
>      1 0.17364817766693 1
>      1 0.766044443118978 5
>      -1 0.939692620785908 7
> -1.11022302462516e-16
>      1 0.342020143325669 2
>      1 0.642787609686539 4
>      -1 0.984807753012208 8
> -1.11022302462516e-16
>      2 0.5 3
>      -1 1.0 9
> I won't translate to English, except to sketch the first: let S(j) =
> sin(j * pi / 18). Then the first block says that, within a small
> number of machikne ulps, S(1) + S(5) - S(7) = 0.
> You can use fancier software to verify that it is an identity (e.g.,
> wxMaxima's trigrat() simplifies the symbolic expression to exactly 0).
> In a different message you wondered about the lack of duplicates at
> n=16 and n=22. PSLQ finds nothing close to an identity at those values
> of n. I believe constructing distinct multisets with the same sum
> requires exploiting at least 2 different identities.

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