[seqfan] Re: Binary Complement Sequences

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 04:48:05 CET 2022

> Joshua Searle: "I can give you term 9,999,999,999 of seed 425720, or the step lengths/maxima of
> sequences up to 425720 that didn’t get caught by my side-sequence filter."
> Not sure what your filter filtered but I'm curious about what happens to 22246.

> Hans Havermann: Not sure what your filter filtered but I'm curious about what happens to 22246.

I can't speak for Joshua's code, but in my code that's the first "jaw
dropping" starting value, taking 120,796,790 steps to reach 0, Ir
nevertheless completes very much faster than 425720 (which is still
slogging through values with about 400,000 bits after about 14 billion
steps on my box so far). The max value reached from 22246 had a "mere"
27,596 bits.

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