[seqfan] Partition into Stroke of Graph

Yasu Koh kohmotopp at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 07:03:13 CEST 2023

 Hi  sequence fan ,    see the definition on A089243

               0. It must be planer graph
1. Set of trails in G
2. no two trails can be concatenated into a single one
3. all trails exist in the partition
4. If two partition are Mirror symmetric then they must be different, if
they are the same then it become a contradiction
                        It is given by Max

My  shortest definition of "Partition into Strokes of Graph"
Trail + Trail ≠ Trail U Trail = G
               "Two Trails don't make one Trail"    "Sum Set of Trails make
                 My computation of directed Star graph labeled is the

               1, 2, 6, 14, 22, 40, 128,

                But the sequence of A089243 is different    I think it is
incorrect , but once some Mathematicians discased  about it     I want to
know what they discased

               1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 22, 61,

           Could you compute the correct number  of A089243 ?

                       3         1
                          \ /

           301+02  301+20  102+03  102+30  203+01  203+10
           103+02  103+20  201+03  201+30  302+01  302+10
           01+02+03  10+20+30


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