[seqfan] Re: Should A000201 and A026352 be cross-referenced?

Allan Wechsler acwacw at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 15:42:04 CEST 2023

Ali, don't add that comment to A026452. Instead, add a comment that says,
quite briefly, something like "Maximum pile created at each step in the
game described by Roland Schroeder in his comment at A000201.", and add a
link to A000201.

Kevin, see the comment by Schroeder; it describes Ali's process pretty

On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 10:32 PM Kevin Ryde via SeqFan <
seqfan at list.seqfan.eu> wrote:

> Ali Sada via SeqFan <seqfan at list.seqfan.eu> writes:
> >
> >  remove the leading element k,
> For the "smallest" (A000201), it may work to leave the element,
> and at each point increment the k many which follow.  I think
> then an "a(n)" starts at n and increments n-t times where t is
> the smallest for which t+a(t) >= n.
> I don't instantly notice that among the definitions of A000201,
> but there's other self-referring recurrences in the family of
> floor(n*phi).
> floor(n*phi) relates A000201 and A026352 already of course.
> Maybe the "t" above is A189663(n+1) which is another one.
> --
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