[seqfan] Use of "et al." in references and links

Pontus von Brömssen pontus.von.bromssen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 17:27:16 CEST 2023

Hi all,

I would've thought that all authors (maybe up to a reasonably high limit,
like 20) should be listed in the references/links items, and that "et al."
be used only in in-text citations in comments, formulas, etc. But searching
for *link:"et al"|ref:"et al"* gives 2779 hits. (Some of these may be false
positives for various reasons.) A363892 is a recent example; if one would
want to find sequences that have refs/links (co-)authored by Bernd
Sturmfels, this sequence would be difficult to find.

I'm not going to fix all these, but if there is an OEIS guideline or
consensus about listing all authors in refs/links items I will add it to my
list of "things to fix when I see them".

Best regards,


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