[seqfan] Re: Silent numbers

David Sycamore djsycamore at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 29 10:37:56 CET 2023

Hi Ali,
I did not follow your description of “silent” numbers since if 152–>12, why 7643–>63 and not 74 ? (we keep only the odd number placed digits, right?). 

Whether or not the sequence merits an oeis entry or not depends on how it looks in mathematical terms, and properties of the resulting data, and not on the provenance of the idea, (which does not even need to be mentioned). 

So your idea could be of interest if there is a way to express it in simple mathematical terms without linking it to the Ismo joke story, (talking about owing; paying back etc). Is there a way to do that ?

Do you have a list of terms?

Best regards

> On 29 Nov 2023, at 06:17, Ali Sada via SeqFan <seqfan at list.seqfan.eu> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Finnish comedian, ISMO, doesn't like silent letters in English words. He thinks that silent numbers are far more useful, "like I owe you 75 dollars, but the 7 is silent." 
> Let's say that each positive integer, n, has n dollars. But n owes money to n+1 and it has to give that money back. However, in this world, the even-numbered digits are "silent." For example, 152 becomes 12, and 7643 becomes 63, and so on. 
> We start: 
> 1 has one dollar and it gives it to 2. a(1) =1. 
> 2 has 3 dollars now and it gives them to 3. a(2) = 3.3 has 6 dollars now and it gives them to 4. a(3) = 6.4 has 10 dollars now, but it gives 0 to 5 since the 1 is silent. a(4) = 0.5 has 5 dollars and it gives them to 6. a(5) = 5. 
> And so on.
> Is this sequence suitable for the OEIS?   
> Best,
> Ali
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE38Bq3WArg&t=40s
> --
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