[seqfan] On A072000

zak seidov zakseidov at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 20 12:24:30 CEST 2024

Dear seqfans,In A072000, there are two formulas:
Let pi(x) denote the number of primes <= x (cf. A000720). Then 2*a(n) = Sum_{ primes p <= n/2 } Pi(n/p) + Pi(sqrt(n)). [Landau, p. 211]
Let pi(x) denote the number of primes <= x (cf. A000720). Then a(n) = Sum_{i=1..Pi(sqrt(n))} (Pi(n/prime(i)) - i + 1). - Robert G. Wilson v, Feb 07 2006
In both cases we see pi and Pi, is it OK?Thanks

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