[seqfan] [topic] Frontend Redesign

Olivier Gerard olivier.gerard at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 06:00:04 CET 2024

Dear Seqfan members,

The conversation has already well started on this topic.

Remember basic mailing list rules :
* you should EDIT previous messages in your replies so that
only the relevant part stays.  The list is archived, there is no point
in keeping everything in each individual post.
* you should PAUSE and PONDER before replying and check if you
are adding information (avoid "Me too !", "Exactly") and check that the
information is accurate. Try to post no more than one message a day
even on a topic you are passionate about.

I suggest all interested members use github and private messages
to discuss further details of Mr Craggs intdb.io or their own wishlist.

If a new major release becomes available, a short message will be posted.

Olivier GERARD
Seqfan Mailing List Administrator

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