[seqfan] Problems with checking the correctness of an elliptic net given in literature.

Thomas Scheuerle Thomas.Scheuerle at kabelbw.de
Thu Jul 11 19:17:55 CEST 2024

Dear Seqfan list,

I was preparing for my next planned OEIS contribution to add the elliptic net of the curve:
y2 + y = x3 + x2 − 2x  to the database.
This curve is a rank 2 curve (smallest conductor for rank 2) and would result into a 2-dimmensional net, an elliptic divisibility sequence.
We may say a two-dimensional extension of the Somos-4 sequence A178624<https://oeis.org/A178624>.
Kate Stange gives this array on page 43. Here:
and on page 2 here:

Her array starts:

On page 42 (https://www.slideserve.com/loe/elliptic-nets-how-to-catch-an-elliptic-curve)  see the recurrence relation
for this sequence, but I decided not to start by recurrence, I rather preferred the definition based on the Weierstrass sigma function.
The definition based on the Weierstrass sigma function is given on page 41.
I implemented it in PARI:
T(n,k) = { local(E,z1);local(E,z2);E=ellinit([2,0,-1,-1,0]);z1=ellpointtoz(E,[0,0]);z2=ellpointtoz(E,[1,0]);round(ellsigma(E,n*z1+k*z2)/(ellsigma(E,z1)^(n^2-k*n)*ellsigma(E,z1+z2)^(k*n)*ellsigma(E,z2)^(k^2-k*n) )) }
With this implementation I get a different array which also appears to fit into all properties of such elliptic nets:

Striking is the first column, it appears identical to the version given by Stange up to one sign  at “-1“.

If we use the Stange version for a Somos-4 recurrence:
m=30; v=concat([1, 1, -5, 31], vector(m-4)); for(n=5, m, v[n] = ( v[n-1]*v[n-3] + 5*v[n-2]^2)/v[n-4]); v
we get:
1, 1, -5, 31, 156, 4025, -49291, 2364959, 138890855, … which disagrees with all versions here.
If we use my version for a Somos-4 recurrence:
m=30; v=concat([1, 1, -5, 31], vector(m-4)); for(n=5, m, v[n] = ( v[n-1]*v[n-3] + 5*v[n-2]^2)/v[n-4]); v
we obtain:
1, -1, -5, 31, 94, -4335, 18041, 3085709, -124991065, -10462061444,…
This agrees with my array.

Can you help me to find my error or how to check which version is correct ?

Thank you

Thomas Scheuerle

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