[seqfan] Re: A new sequence counting the number of distinct languages recognized by DFAs

brad klee bradklee at proton.me
Wed Jul 24 18:37:27 CEST 2024

> I hope it may help understanding my idea. Again, I suggest focusing
> initially on the "equivalent DFAs" part rather on the choosing such or
> such definition of the DFAs, since the most interesting part of the
> compuation is there IMHO.

Madhusudan Parthasarathy at University of Illinois has some nice 
teaching materials online: 


Working from a few of these lectures, I calculated three terms 
in agreement with Thomas, and made notes here:


Arthur independently agreed about up to four terms (of the 
proposed, slower growing sequence with no floating edges), 
so I think the candidate now has good quality assurance.  

Equivalence calculations are indeed interesting, and there's 
potentially more optimization to do using standard algorithms. 

What's more interesting to me as a result of this recent 
experiment is how many different equivalent regex's can 
describe the same DFA-produced regular language. 

In the continuation, I'm curious about algorithms that 
compare and reduce regex over finite alphabets. Would 
be nice to know more about that... 





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