[seqfan] Re: New "metaperfect" number for A068978

hv at crypt.org hv at crypt.org
Sat Mar 30 00:13:58 CET 2024

I think this is a lot more context-dependent than to justify a blanket ban.

I guess the distinction I'd draw is how "b-file-like" the a-file is:
the only times I've ever used a-files is because the data doesn't _quite_
fit the b-file format, usually because there's an unknown value.
If someone has new information to add to such a file, I'd expect them do so
in a way that preserves the existing information, and I would hope that
editors verify such changes the same as they would for primary data lines
of a sequence, or for an updated b-file.

In that context I'd see no problem with an updated a-file replacing the
previous one. Similarly if someone discovered errors in an existing


"M. F. Hasler" <oeis at hasler.fr> wrote:
:I don't think that we should edit contents of a-files submitted by someone
:else. We wouldn't take a PDF or image file uploaded in the very same way
:and modify it to add information, so why only for .txt files?
:I think there are many example of a similar situation where the new
:contributor would (or has) rather upload(ed) a new file, in addition to the
:existing one. (With name and date.) (And in cases where just one new value
:is found, there's often a comment like "(The list lacks ... and maybe other
:values. - ~~~~)" right next to the link.
:Especially if not only lines are added but indexing is changed or
:suppressed. As others mentioned, it would make it impossible to refer to
:"Yamanouchi's fourth value" or the like, and it might be desirable and
:useful to do this.
:- Maximilian
:On Thu, Mar 28, 2024, 22:24 Neil Sloane <njasloane at gmail.com> wrote:
:> Allan,
:> >  Perhaps we should change the
:> text of the entry so that this file is labeled "Other examples, not
:> necessarily consecutive", and add my new discovery to it?
:> Sounds good!  You can download the list from the entry, then add your
:> value(s), and resubmit it.
:> Best regards
:> Neil
:> Neil J. A. Sloane, Chairman, OEIS Foundation.
:> Also Visiting Scientist, Math. Dept., Rutgers University,
:> Email: njasloane at gmail.com
:> On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 8:34 PM Allan Wechsler <acwacw at gmail.com> wrote:
:> > The sequence oeis.org/A007429 records the sum, over all divisors of n,
:> of
:> > sigma_1(n).
:> >
:> > Sigma_1 itself (oeis.org/A000203) records the sum of the divisors
:> > themselves.
:> >
:> > This "nested sigma" calculation causes me to think of A007429 as the
:> > "metasigma" function. Like sigma_1, it is multiplicative. The basis can
:> > easily be seen to be the following:
:> >
:> > A007429(p^k) = p^k + 2 p^(k-1) + 3 p^(k-2) + ... + (k+1)
:> >
:> > where the coefficient and the exponent always add to k+1.
:> >
:> > This "sigma-like" function gives rise to an analog of the multiperfect
:> > numbers, which I think of as "metaperfect". A number N is metaperfect if
:> N
:> > divides A007429(N). These numbers are recorded in oeis.org/A068978. The
:> > entry gives the first 28 examples in the data, found by Benoit Cloitre,
:> > Rick Shepard, and Giovanni Resta. A bit later, Hiroaki  Yamanouchi found
:> > the next three, and recorded them in a B-file.
:> >
:> > Yamanouchi also found 168 more examples, for a total of 200, but was not
:> > confident enough of their consecutivity to add them to the B-file;
:> instead,
:> > these 200 metaperfect numbers are listed in their own file.
:> >
:> > In the last hour, I found, essentially by hand, an example that
:> Yamanouchi
:> > missed: 930 284 109 364 500, which would fit between Yamanouchi's entries
:> > 65 and 66. I'm not sure exactly what to do. Perhaps we should change the
:> > text of the entry so that this file is labeled "Other examples, not
:> > necessarily consecutive", and add my new discovery to it?
:> >
:> > I would also appreciate it if somebody could verify the validity of my
:> new
:> > example. Its factorization is 2^2*3^4*5^3*11^2*17*19*73*83*97, and I
:> claim
:> > it is "metaperfect" with order 14. (Because it is not divisible by 7, it
:> > has a "partner" exactly 7 times bigger, which is also metaperfect, but of
:> > order 18. This one is also not in Yamanouchi's list.)
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