[seqfan] A250000, poster, etc.

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 19:33:18 CET 2014

Here are results of the voting for A250000:
(A) A237749 2; (B) A245783 29 (becomes A250000); (C) A249129 2;
(D) A241601 23 (becomes A250001); (E) A239438 1; (F) A237270 5;
(G) A247190 3; (H) A249796 1; (I) A249026 2; (J) A250120 4;
(K) A240926 2; (L) A248034 1; (M) A246830 1.

I made a new poster to celebrate reaching 250,000 sequences.
The poster and the "key" are now on the OEIS Foundation website:
see http://oeisf.org/Poster15a.pdf and http://oeisf.org/Poster15a_key.pdf
This could be something to send to your friends instead of
a holiday card. The runner-up and winner of the competition
are the first two illustrations.

On behalf of the OEIS Foundation, thanks to everyone for your donations
to the fund-raising drive, and to all the editors and contributors
who kept the OEIS running this year. Thanks also to everyone
who attended the very successful OEIS-50 conference in October.
We hope to see you all at the OEIS exhibit at the Joint Math Meetings
in San Antonio in January.

Best regards

Neil J. A. Sloane, President, OEIS Foundation.
11 South Adelaide Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904, USA.
Also Visiting Scientist, Math. Dept., Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
Phone: 732 828 6098; home page: http://NeilSloane.com
Email: njasloane at gmail.com

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