[seqfan] Re: A250000, poster, etc.

wild wild at music.mcgill.ca
Mon Dec 15 20:38:23 CET 2014

Hi Neil, thanks for running the competition and congratulations on the 
oeis's achievement once again. I do still mean to answer your email from 
a week or two ago about musicalizing the sequences... I'm on vacation 
right now with my family, in supposedly sunny Jamaica (but we're in the 
wettest parish and apparently the rainy seson has come very late this 
year - we're getting rain every day). Anyway I think there's a mistake 
in the key at the bottom of the poster - the number of circles for n=3 
is 14, not 15.

all best for now - jon

p.s. After Christmas if you like I'll make a better graphic for that 
section of the poster.

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