when is the sum of divisors[n] prime?

Wouter Meeussen eu000949 at pophost.eunet.be
Sat Aug 21 01:56:14 CEST 1999

interesting stuff (to an amateur like me).


all these integers have the form:
p1^(p2-1) with p1 and p2 prime.

for p1=2, the p2 are the Mersenne primes-1 :
DivisorSigma[1,2^(m-1)] = 1+2+2^2+2^3+..+2^(m-1)=2^m -1 == prime by def. 

I got stuck where I need to show that
"Sum[p^i,{i,0,n}] factors if n is non-prime"
Does rhat follow from Fermat's little one? 

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