when is the sum of divisors[n] prime?

Simon Colton simonco at dai.ed.ac.uk
Sat Aug 21 11:03:48 CEST 1999

Dear Wouter,

Thanks for taking an interest in the theorem.

> I got stuck where I need to show that
> "Sum[p^i,{i,0,n}] factors if n is non-prime"
> Does rhat follow from Fermat's little one?

I'm not sure why you need to show that 
Sum[p^i,{i,0,n}] factors if n is non-prime

The theorem was

for all n,
tau(sigma(n)) = 2 -> tau(tau(n)) = 2.

and the proof was (sorry about the ascii)

a) Take an n for which tau(sigma(n)) = 2.

b) tau(sigma(n)) = 2 -> n = p^m (p prime, m in N)
   By Thm. 275, Hardy and Wright.

c) Suppose tau(tau(n)) != 2. ie. tau(n) is composite.
   Therefore, tau(n) = xy for x>1, y>1.
   Then tau(n) = tau(p^m) = m+1 = xy.
   So m = xy - 1.

We now look for a contradiction:

d) By Thm. 275 of Hardy and Wright,
   sigma(n) = 1 + p + p^2 + ... + p^{xy-1}
   and #this# can be factorised:

   1 + p + p^2 + ... + p^{xy-1} 
   = (1 + p + ... + p^{x-1})(1 + p^x + p^{2x}... + p^((y-1)x))
   = Sum[p^i,{i,0,x-1}]Sum[p^{(y-i)x},{i,1,y}]

e) This is a contradiction, as sigma(n) factorises 
   non-trivially, but sigma(n) was taken to be prime.

Hence, I think you wanted to show that 
Sum[p^i,{i,0,n-1}] factors if n is non-prime.

By the way, Robert Wilson brought to light yesterday that
an immediate corollary of the theorem is that:

tau(sigma(n)) = 2 -> tau(tau(n)) = tau(sigma(n))

(as both sides of the rhs equality are 2).

Therefore, this sequence:

n s.t. tau(tau(n)) = tau(sigma(n)), which Robert Calculated as:

1, 2, 4, 9, 16, 18, 25, 50, 64, 144, 289, 576, 578,
729, 1458, 1600, 1681, 2401, 2916, 3362, 3481, 3600, 4096, 4624, 4802,
5041, 6962, 7921, 9604, 10082, 10201, 11664, 15625, 15842, 17161, 18225,
18496, 20402, 21609, 24400, 26896, 27889, 28561, 29929, 31250, 34322,
36450, 36864, 43218.
(not in the encyclopedia yet).

is also a supersequence of A023914, as well as the sequence of
integers for which tau(n) is prime (soon to be A009087).

Also, the conjecture found by HR generalises, I think, to a 
more interesting result:

for all n in N, 
tau(sigma_k(n)) = 2 -> tau(tau(n)) = 2,

where sigma_k(n) is the sum of the kth powers of the divisors of n.
The above proof, with a little tweaking should prove this.

Unfortunately, the more general conjecture:
for all a,b,n in N,
tau(sigma_a(n)) = 2 -> tau(sigma_b(n)) = 2,

is not true.

The first counterexample I've found is a=4, b=3, n=2,
because tau(sigma_4(2)) = tau(17) = 2, but
        tau(sigma_3(2)) = tau(9) = 3.

I would like to know if there are any pairs (a,b) for which 
the above more general theorem is true, other than the
pairs (a,0), which we've shown to be true.



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