[SeqFan] database error analysis

Jud McCranie jud.mccranie at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 6 16:46:42 CET 2001

I've done a different analysis on the errors in the database, with recent 
corrections.  My program picked out 2581 sequences that are composted of 
primes and 1, with the largest term > 10.  These are the sequences I was 
checking before.  There are 2581 such sequences and I found about 25 
errors, so that is an error rate (mainly due to typos) of 1%, and that 
should be the approximate percentage of all sequences in the database that 
have a typo.

|          Jud McCranie                                     |
|                                                           |
| Think recursively( Think recursively( Think recursively)) |

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