BCC ? (was: RefLog)

Frank Ellermann Frank.Ellermann at t-online.de
Sun Jul 8 16:41:18 CEST 2001

Hi Jon,

some wild guesses:  do you use BCC to seqfan sometimes ?
Your "RefLog" message arrived here without obvious hint 
(neither To: nor CC:), so maybe your intentions and the
seqfan-processing are incompatible. 

I "filter" my messages manually, "seqfan", "njas", etc.
to folder EIS, "make money fast" etc. into trash, and 
invisible (?) or lost (?) "seqfan" headers tend to
confuse me...  IIRC "seqfan" is a closed list, nobody
can send messages to it or get the list of recipients
without subscription, and Gerard won't allow access by
e.g. address-collectors for spamming.  

So maybe (if all these assumptions are correct :-) you 
can use To: or CC: seqfan (or I'll learn to recognize 
your messages, but sometimes I read new mails before 
my 1st coffee is ready :-)

			Bye, Frank

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