Limits of what OEIS can store...

Antti Karttunen karttu at
Fri Aug 23 22:13:06 CEST 2002

Just realized:

One can as well store exact information about infinite sequences
containing irrational and transcendental terms,
if one just stores them as infinite arrays (as usual)
with each row being a continued fraction (or decimal) expansion
of the corresponding term (and if the term is rational,
the sequence contains only finite amount of non-zero terms).

Is there any such sequences interesting enough to merit
this kind of treatment?
(SQRT(n) and LN(n) for example?)

This way we can say that OEIS is really a general purpose
      N^k -> C^m function encyclopedia.
(also Z^k ->
  and Q^k ->  with simple mappings, the last based on Stern-Brocot
triangle for example).

Of course the encoding gets hard to understand in extreme
cases, but at least in theory, there is a way to form
a "fingerprint" for any such function.


Antti Karttunen

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