Boolean Search Now Available

Jon Awbrey jawbrey at
Sat Apr 19 18:18:37 CEST 2003


could you tell me more about the primitives that
you have available for the boolean search task?

i was assuming the following sort of framework:

1.  you have a population X = {index entries}.

2.  x in X has content fields x_1, ..., x_m,
    or what amounts to a set of projections,
    x_i : X -> X_i = {i^th field entries}.

3.  you have a set of computable predicates p : X -> B
    that are computable by way of string search operations,
    things like "the i^th field of x contains "such & such".

4.  for each k you have the boolean functions f : B^k -> B.

5.  for each boolean function f : B^k -> B and each k-tuple p
    of computable predicates p = <p_1, ..., p_k> : X -> B^k,
    you have a boolean query q : X -> B given by this diagram:

    X o------>o B
       \     ^
      p \   / f
         v /

6. you want to get the models of q in X,
   or the "fiber of truth" in X under q.
are those safe enough assumptions so far?

jon awbrey 


N. J. A. Sloane wrote:
> One of the troubles with the "lookup" page has always
> been that you could only look up one word or phrase.
> So if you wanted to know which sequences mentioned
> "Chess" in the subject line, and "Elkies" in the
> reference line, you had to make two separate searches
> and combine the results by hand.
> There is now a new "Boolean" search, that will let you
> specify TWO words or phrases!
> You can search for
> P AND Q,  P OR Q,  or  P BUT NOT Q
> The program is ready for testing by friendly users.
> At present it is in a new advance search page,
> When all the bugs are out it will be merged in with
> the regular advanced search page,
> Comments are welcomed.
> Some things you can do with it:
> Find sequences that mention both A012345 AND A001105
> Sequences with keyword "uned" AND XXXXX
> Sequences that mention "knight" OR "chess"
> Sequences that mention "code" (but) NOT "Hamming"


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