Re 2 puzzles, solution/MEANING?

Olivier Gerard ogerard at
Mon Jul 21 22:15:55 CEST 2003


You have been the direct cause of 8
unsubscriptions in the last three months
and probably contributed to a few others.

You have already violated several times most
of the basic rules on this list, some of
which are listed below. But I have explained
them already too many times, publicly and

I am sorry but I unsubscribe you from the list.


- RULE #0: seqfan is not a usenet newsgroup,
this is a private mailing list.

- posts should be about
  + integer sequence definitions, computations and
  + mathematical and scientific facts
    associated with integer sequences, 
  + the OEIS, its content, its purpose, its use

- subjects such as
  + numeroly, kabbal, astrology, religious and
  mystical interpretations of numbers and sequences
  + any kind of uncritical mix between scientific facts,
  personal fantasms and prejudices.

are strongly discouraged.

- subjects such as
  + demonstrations or refutations of the long-standing
  conjectures of the past [Parallel postulate, Quadrature of the circle,
  Fermat, 4-coloring, ...]
  and of the day [Goldbach, Poincare, Twin-prime numbers, Riemann, ...]

are not welcome if they don't come up in relation with an
integer sequence.

- always ponder if you should post to seqfan 
  or rather only to Neil J.A. Sloane or one 
  of the associated editors.
- posts should be 
  + in french, in english or with an
  english abstract
  + intelligible, with complete sentences
  and obvious mathematical notations and conventions
  (NB: the administrator is available for
  translation from various languages to english)

- replies should not contain unedited original posts,
  especially long and irrelevant ones,

- no attachments, if possible no html coding, and messages
  under 15kB.  Attachments, large tables of result or data
  are to be sent privately to interested parties or made
  available on a web or ftp site.

- if there is a problem about a post on the list, or a doubt
  about the seqfan netiquette, the discussion should be conducted
  off the list with me, unless I decide so.

Le 22, Don McDonald écrivait:
> What I originally wrote.  (Delete.)
> No offense intended.

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