A084598 & A084599, factorization

y.kohmoto zbi74583 at boat.zero.ad.jp
Wed Jun 4 08:34:24 CEST 2003

    Hugo wrote,
    >Do we have something like an index identifying all sequences dependent
on factorization?

    It is good idea!!
    My sequences A031439, A031440, A031442, A082021, A082132, and Erich
Friedman's A034970  are the same kind of sequences as A084599.

    Neil wrote,
    >sequences whose extension requires factorization of  large numbers:

    >but the trouble is there are rather a lot of such sequences!

    If it is true, it is really a problem.

    to Frank Ellermann and Don Mcdonald.

    Thank you for your good advices about my permutation.

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