base 00, etc.

Frank Ellermann Frank.Ellermann at
Sat May 31 14:06:37 CEST 2003

Don McDonald wrote:

> 'ENCYC...' can be represented as a telephone word number
> or base 100 or base 27.

Is that your program ?  I'm not sure, but the telephone keypad
appears to be different in Germany, ENCYC... would be encoded
as 3,6,2,9,3,... and the complete list for letters is:

0: unused (or space?)
1: unused
2: abc
3: def
4: ghi
5: jkl
6: mno
7: pqrs
8: tuv
9: wxyz

What's that base 100 stuff, US ASCII minus control characters ?
128-33=95, allowing 5 for HT, VT, CR, LF, and maybe BS or DEL.

           Bye, Frank

P.S.: I'd like "Encyclopædia" <gd&r>

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