[SeqFan] Leibniz, I-Ching and Binary Arithmetic.

Antti Karttunen Antti.Karttunen at iki.fi
Fri Jan 9 02:00:44 CET 2004

Here is something concerning the origins of the binary system.
Especially the section about "periodicities" (#71a) might interest
those of us that have been immersed into the experimental way
of doing mathematics. More of that in the next posting.
  Excerpts from
                  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz:
                      Writings on China
    Translated, with an Introduction, Notes and Commentaries
          by Daniel J. Cook and Henry Rosemont, Jr.
    Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago and La Salle, 1994.

  From "Remarks on Chinese Rites and Religion" (1708).

  #9   And thus, as far as I understand, I think the substance of the
  ancient theology [21] of the Chinese is intact and, purged of additional
  errors, can be harnessed to the great truths of the Christian
  religion. Fohi, the most ancient prince and philosopher of the
  Chinese, had understood the origin of things from unity and nothing,
  i.e. his mysterious figures reveal something of an analogy to
  Creation, containing the binary arithmetic (and yet hinting at
  greater things) that I rediscovered after so many thousands of
  years, where all numbers are written by only two notations, 0 and 1.
    So: [22]

            0       1       10      100      1000    10000    etc.
  signify   0       1       2       4        8       16       etc.
  The numbers are expressed              .    Figures    .
      as follows:                        .    of Fohi    .
       0  |   0                          .       .       .
       1  |   1                       0  .  - -  .   0   .  0
      10  |   2                          .       .       .
      11  |   3                       1  .  ---  .   1   .  1
     100  |   4                          .       .       .
     101  |   5                    .............................
     110  |   6                          .       .       .
     111  |   7                      00  .  - -  .   0   .  0
    1000  |   8                          .  - -  .       .
    1001  |   9                          .       .       .
    1010  |  10                      01  .  - -  .   1   .  1
    1011  |  11                          .  ---  .       .
    1100  |  12                          .       .       .
    1101  |  13                      10  .  ---  .  10   .  2
    1110  |  14                          .  - -  .       .
    1111  |  15                          .       .       .
   10000  |  16                      11  .  ---  .  11   .  3
    etc   |  etc.                        .  ---  .       .
  --------+-------                       .       .       .

  The figures of Fohi [23] also signify two, four, eight, sixteen,
  thirty-two, sixty-four, as reproduced by Kircher and others -
  of which only two, four, and eight are herein inscribed [24]
  - which all the Chinese until now did not understand, but which
  the Reverend Father Bouvet correctly noticed corresponds to my
  binary arithmetic. [25].

  [21]: The word "ancient" here is crucial to Leibniz's arguments:
  he believes the moderns have merely lost the true meaning(s) of
  what is contained in their oldest books - in the best Hermetic

  [22]: This outline of the philosopher's system of binary arithmetic
  is fleshed out in part IV of the Discourse. These tables and those
  in #71 of the Discourse, are reproduced exactly as Leibniz wrote
  them in the autographs. (Except that I have left out the trigrams
  "000" - "111" from the above "Figures of Fohi" table, for the
  lack of space -- AK.)

  [23]: I.e. the trigrams of the Yi Jing.

  [24]: Leibniz inscribed the yin and yang line, then paired them,
  and then inscribed the eight trigrams.

  [25]: In his 4 November 1701 letter to Leibniz, Widmaier (2),
  pp. 147-169. Most Leibniz commentators have attributed to him
  the linking of his binary notation to that of the Yi Jing.
  This acknowledgement makes clear that the credit is Bouvet's.

  From "Discourse on the Natural Theology of the Chinese" (1716).

  [IV. Concerning the Characters which Fohi, Founder of the Chinese
  Empire, Used in His Writings, and Binary Arithmetic]

  #68   It is indeed apparent that if we Europeans were well
  enough informed concerning Chinese Literature, then, with the
  aid of logic, critical thinking, mathematics and our manner of
  expressing thought - more exacting than theirs - we could uncover
  in the Chinese writings of the remotest antiquity many things
  unknown to modern Chinese and even to other commentators thought
  to be classical. Reverend Father Bouvet and I have discovered
  the meaning, apparently truest to the text, of the characters
  of Fohi, founder of Empire, which consist simply of combinations
  of unbroken and broken lines, and which pass for the most ancient
  writing of China in its simplest form. There are 64 figures
  contained in the book called Ye Kim [175], that is, the Book
  of Changes. Several centuries after Fohi, the Emperor Ven Vam [176]
  and his son Cheu Cum, and Confucius more than five centuries later,
  have all sought therein philosophical mysteries. Others have even
  wanted to extract from them a sort of Geomancy and other follies.
  Actually, the 64 figures represent a Binary Arithmetic which
  apparently this great legislator [Fu Xi] possessed, and which I
  have rediscovered some thousands of years later.
  #68a  In Binary Arithmetic, there are only two signs, 0 and 1,
  with which one can write all numbers [177]. When I communicated
  this system to the Reverend Father Bouvet, he recognized in it
  the characters of Fohi, for the numbers 0 and 1 correspond to
  them exactly [178] if we put a broken line for 0 and unbroken
  line for the unity, 1. This Arithmetic furnishes the simplest
  way of making changes, since there are only two components,
  concerning which I wrote a small essay in my early youth, which
  was reprinted a long time afterwards against my will [179].

  [175]: Yi Jing.

  [176]: Again, King Wen; this time the spelling is Bouvet's.
  "Cheu Cum" is Zhou Gong, the Duke of Zhou, and King Wu's brother.
  He was one of Confucius's favorite cultural heroes.

  [177]: At this point Leibniz wrote, but then crossed out,
  the following: "I have since found that it further expresses the
  logic of dichotomies which is of the greatest use, if one always
  retains an exact opposition between the numbers of the division."

  [178]: At this point, Leibniz wrote, but then crossed out
  the following: "provided that one places before a number as many
  zeroes as necessary so that the least of the numbers has as many
  lines as the greatest."

  [179]: In a letter to Rémond in July 1714, Leibniz wrote about
  "a little schoolboyish essay called 'On the Art of Combinations'
  ('De Arte Combinatoria' -- AK), published in 1666, and later
  reprinted without my permission."
  Gerhardt, III, 620. See Loemker, p. 657.

  So it seems that Fohi had insight into the science of combinations,
  but the Arithmetic having been completely lost, later Chinese
  have not taken care to think of them in this [arithmetical] way
  and they have made of these characters of Fohi some kind of
  symbols and Hieroglyphs, as one customarily does when one has
  strayed from the true meaning (as the good Father Kirker [180] has
  done with respect to the script of the Egyptian obelisks of
  which he understands nothing). Now this shows also that the
  ancient Chinese have surpassed the modern ones in the extreme,
  not only in piety (which is the basis of the most perfect morality)
  but in science as well.

  #69   Since this Binary Arithmetic, although explained in the
  Miscellany of Berlin [181], is still little known, and the mention
  of its parallelism with the characters of Fohi is found only in
  the German journal of the year 1705 of the late Mr. Tenzelius [182],
  I want to explain it here - where it appears to be very appropriate
  - since it concerns justification of the doctrines of the ancient
  Chinese and their superiority over the moderns. I will only add
  before turning to this matter that the late Mr. Andreas Müller,
  native of Greiffenhagen, Provost of Berlin, a man of Europe, who
  without ever having left it, had studied the Chinese characters
  closely, and published with notes, what Abdalla Beidavaeus wrote
  on China. This Arab author remarks that Fohi had found a
  "peculiare scribendi genus, Arithmeticam, contratus et Rationaria",
  "a peculiar manner of writing, of arithmetic, of contracts, and
  of accounts" [183]. What he says confirms my explanation of the
  characters of this ancient philosopher-king whereby they are
  reduced to numbers.

  [180]: Athanasius Kircher, 1601-1680.

  [181]: "De periodis columnarum in series numerorum progressionis
  Arithmeticae Dyadice expressorum," by P. Dangicourt, in
  Miscellanea Berolinensia, I (1701), 336-376. This and the Tenzel
  article cited below were both instigated by Leibniz himself.
  See Zacher, p. 1.

  [182]: "Erklärung der Arithmeticae binariae, ...," in Curieuse
  bibliothic oder Fortsetzung der Monatlichen Unterredungen einiger
  guten Freunde, ed. W.E. Tenzel (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1705), pp.
  81-112. See Zacher, p. 210. Leibniz omits mention of his own,
  earlier endeavor concerning binary arithmetic and its
  relationship to the characters of Fu Xi, written in 1703;
  "Explication de l'Arithmetique Binaire qui se sert des seuls
  caracters 0 et 1; avec des Remarques sur son utilitité, et
  sur ce qu'elle donne le sens des anciennes figures Chinoises
  de Fohi," par M. Leibniz, Histoire de l'Academie royale des
  Sciences, Année 1703; avec les Memoires ... pour la meme Année,
  Paris 1705 [Mem.], pp. 85-89. A more readable and available
  edition of this work is found in Zacher, pp. 293-301.

  [183]: There is little evidence that the hexagrams were used for
  these purposes. Leibniz is quoting directly from Tenzel. See
  also Zacher, p. 159. And see Remarks, #9.

  #70   The ancient Romans made use of a mixed arithmetic, quinary
  and denary, and one still sees reminders of it in their counters
  [184]. One sees, from Archimedes' work on the counting of the sand
  [185], that already in his time something approaching denary
  arithmetic was understood (which has come down to us from the
  Arabs and which appears to have been brought from Spain, or at
  least made more known by the renowned Gerbert, later Pope, under
  the name of Sylvester II [186]). This prevalence of base 10
  arithmetic seems to come from the fact that we have 10 fingers,
  but as this number is arbitrary, some have proposed counting by
  dozens, and dozens of dozens, etc [187]. On the other hand,
  the late Mr. Erdard Weigelius resorts to a lesser number predicated
  on the quaternary or Tetractys like the Pythagoreans [188]; thus,
  just as in the decimal progression we write all numbers using
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, he would write all numbers in his
  quaternary progressions using 0, 1, 2, 3; for example 321 for him
  signifies 3 x 4² + 2 x 4^1 + 1 or rather 48+16+1, that is 65
  according to the ordinary system. (I get 48+8+1 = 57. -- AK).

  [184]: Leibniz is talking of the Roman numerals, which except for
  unity (I), are based on either five (V, L, D) or ten (X, C, M),
  hence the mixed nature of their numeration or counting, but not
  necessarily of their arithmetic, about which little is known.
  The purpose of the Roman counters, originally pebbles (calculi),
  is uncertain; it has been argued that they were used in games such
  as backgammon or checkers, or even like poker chips. See Smith, II,

  [185]: "Archimedes saw the defects of the Greek number system,
  and in his Sand Reckoner he suggested an elaborate scheme of
  numerations, arranging the numbers in octads, or the eighth powers
  of ten." Ibid., I, 113.

  [186]: Gerbert, who was pope from 999 to 1003, has traditionally
  been held responsible for introducing the Arabic numerals into
  Christian Europe, which he probably learned while studying in
  Spain. Leibniz is wrong in thinking that Gerbert introduced
  the decimal or denary system, rather than simply the nine characters.
  "He probably did not know of the zero, and at any rate he did not
  know its real significance." Ibid., II, 74-75; see also, Ibid., I,

  [187]: Leibniz himself toyed briefly with a base 12 (and even
  mentioned a base 16) number system and may have gotten the idea
  from Pascal. See Zacher, pp. 17-21.

  [188]: Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) was professor of Mathematics
  at the University of Jena, where Leibniz followed his lectures
  for one semester in 1663. Having been influenced strongly by
  the Pythagorean and other mystical traditions in mathematics,
  Weigel saw the number 4 as the perfect number and constructed
  a base 4 number system. Although Weigel influenced Leibniz in
  many areas (e.g., the need for linguistic and legal reforms in
  Germany), the latter saw no need for such a number system.
  Practically, a base 10 or even higher number system (12 or 16)
  shortened calculations and condensed enumeration; theoretically,
  a base 2 system was best, since it had the simplest and most
  easily analyzable base. Couturat, pp. 473-474.

  #71   This gives the opportunity to point out that all numbers
  could be written by 0 and 1 in the binary or dual progressions.

        1            1
       10            2                10 is equal to 2
     1000            8               100 is equal to 4
    10000           16              1000 is equal to 8
   100000           32                     etc.
  1000000           64

  And accordingly, numbers are expressed as follows:

                                                            0   0
  These terms correspond with the hypothesis;               1   1
  for example:                                             10   2
  111 = 100 + 10 + 1 = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7                       11   3
  11001 = 10000 + 1000 + 1 = 16 + 4 + 1 = 25 [189]        100   4
                                                          101   5
  They can also be found by continual addition of         110   6
  unity, for example:                                     111   7
                                      1                  1000   8
                                     .1                  1001   9
                                   ----                  1010  10
                                     10                  1011  11
                                      1                  1100  12
                                     11                  1101  13
                                   ----                  1110  14
                                     .1                  1111  15
                                   ----                 10000  16
                                    100                 10001  17
                                      1                 10010  18
                                   ----                 10011  19
                                    101                 10100  20
                                     .1                 10101  21
                                   ----                 10110  22
  The points denote                 110                 10111  23
  unity which is kept                 1                 11000  24
  in mind in ordinary              ----                 11001  25
  calculation. [190]                111                 11010  26
                                   ----                 11011  27
                                     .1                 11100  28
                                   ----                 11101  29
                                   1000                 11110  30
                                                        11111  31
                                                       100000  32
                                                         etc.  etc.

  [189]: The mistake is Leibniz's; 4 should be 8. This section
  should be read together with Remarks #9. (I.e. the tables are
  reproduced exactly as Leibniz wrote them in the autographs.)

  [190]: See #72 for explanation.

  #71a  But, to continue, if one wishes to make a table expressing
  terms for all the natural numbers in order, one need not calculate,
  since it is sufficient to note that each column is periodic, the
  same periodicity recurring ad infinitum: the first column runs
  0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, etc.; the second 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, etc.;
  the third 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, etc.;
  the fourth 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, etc. And so on
  with further columns, assuming that the empty places above each
  column are filled with zeroes. Thus one can write these columns
  at once and accordingly make up the table of natural numbers
  without any calculations. This is what one can call enumeration.

  #72   As for addition, it is simply done by counting and making
  periods when there are numbers to add together, adding up each
  column as usual, which will be done as follows: count the unities
  of the column; for example, for 29, look how this number is written
  in the table, to wit, by 11101; thus you write 1 under the column
  and put periods under the second, third and fourth column
  thereafter. These periods denote that it is necessary to count
  out one unity further in the column following.

  #73   Subtraction is just as easy. Multiplication is reduced to
  simple additions and has no need of the Pythagorean table, it
  sufficing to know that 0 times 0 is 0, that 0 times 1 is 0,
  that 1 times 0 is 0, and that 1 times 1 is 1.

  #74   In division there is no need to tally as in ordinary
  calculation. One must only see if the divisor is greater or less
  than the preceding remainder.

  #75   These are simplifications that have been proposed by a clever
  man since the introduction of this Arithmetic into certain
  calculations [191]. But the principal utility of this binary
  system is that it can do much to perfect the science of numbers
  because all calculations are made according to periodicity. It is
  some achievement that the numerical powers of the same order,
  made by raising the ordered natural numbers, however high
  the order, never have a greater number of periods than the
  natural numbers themselves which are their roots ...
  [Text breaks off at this point.]

  [191] Leibniz is referring to Arithmeticus perfectus, Qui Tria
  numerare nescit, seu Arithmetic dualis (Prague, 1712) by
  W. J. Pelican. Pelican apparently showed how one can use the
  binary system for other calculations as well, i.e., fractional
  arithmetic, roots, and proportions. See Zacher, p. 211.

  From Introduction, II. Sources of Leibniz's Knowledge of China,

    Among the contemporaries of Longobardi and Sainte-Marie who
  were more sympathetic to Ricci was Martino Martini, S.J. (1614-1661).
  After studying in the Collegium Romanum - Kircher was his tutor
  in mathematics - he went to China in 1643, the year before the
  final collapse of the Ming Dynasty. ...
    Martini wrote several works on China, the most significant
  of which was Sinicae historiae decas prima. Res a gentis origine
  ad Christum natum in extrema Asia, published in 1658. Largely
  a work on Chinese history, it contained a fairly accurate
  chronology of early imperial reigns as the Chinese had established
  them. Some of the earliest reigns were seen by some Chinese
  (and virtually all modern scholars) as legendary, but Martini
  accepted them as fact. The chronology begins with Fuxi in 2952 BCE,
  which was troubling to many readers of Martini's work, because James
  Ussher's Biblical chronology had been published only a few years
  before and had persuaded many that creation had taken place
  in 4004 BCE, and the Noachian flood in 2349 BCE. But if Fuxi had
  truly reigned over six hundred years earlier, and there were
  no breaks of succession to the throne, then Noah could not
  be the universal patriarch.
    The Sinicae historiae also provides what was probably the
  first depiction in a European book of the sixty-four hexagrams
  of the Yi Jing, or Book of Changes, with which Leibniz was
  intrigued throughout his mature study of things sinological.
  Martini credits Fuxi with the bringing of the hexagrams to
  the Chinese people, and with the creation of the Chinese script
  based on them.
    The last of the writings on China which exerted a strong
  influence on Leibniz were those authored by the French Jesuit
  missionary Joachim Bouvet (1656-1730). Like Verbiest, Bouvet
  had access to the throne, being a tutor of the Kang Xi Emperor's
  children. ...
    Bouvet thought on a grand scale, much more a metaphysician
  than historian or philologist. He conveyed many original (and
  sometimes far-fetched) ideas about Chinese history, language
  and religion to Leibniz, based on the Figurist orientation
  of some Jesuits, which attempted to tease Christian figures
  out of non-European (i.e., pagan) writings. One of these ideas
  was that the legendary early Chinese ruler Fuxi was not really
  Chinese, but a manifestation of the "Lawgiver", akin to
  Hermes Trismegistus in the West; indeed, on the basis of some
  dubious etymologies and arguments Bouvet even tried to show
  that Fuxi and Hermes Trismegistus were one and the same, thus
  circumventing the creation chronology problem raised earlier
  by Martini's work.
    Bouvet further believed that by producing the eight basic
  trigrams of the Book of Changes - which, doubled, are the
  sixty-four hexagrams - Fuxi had provided a notation for
  experiment and observation in all of the sciences. These
  trigrams are made up of combinations of solid and broken
  lines, but their mathematical and scientific significance
  had been, according to Bouvet, lost on later Chinese, who
  simply read the trigrams and hexagrams as part of a system
  of prognostication. More significant, after learning of
  Leibniz's work on binary arithmetic, Bouvet established
  a correlation between Leibniz's notations (0 and 1) and
  the broken and solid lines of Fuxi's trigrams.
    A second insight into Leibniz's views contained in this
  quote comes from the parenthetical remark: "and yet hinting
  at greater things". Earlier in 1697 he had written a letter
  to Duke Rudolph August, which included the design of
  a medallion he wished to be struck. The obverse is merely
  a portrait of the Duke, but the reverse gives binary equivalents
  for several Arabic numerals, under which he inscribed
  Imago Creationis. He also portrays rays of light shining down
  into the watery deep, and equates the latter with Zero and
  the former with "the almighty One".
    Leibniz never sent this letter, but he does seem to be
  sincere in believing that his binary arithmetic was theologically
  as well as scientifically important, capable of unlocking secrets
  both of nature and the Book of Genesis, and generating all the
  natural numbers using only 0 and 1, symbolizing in a most
  dramatic way the creatio ex nihilo by the one God. In another
  letter to Bouvet (18 May 1703), responding to the Jesuit's
  linking of the eight trigrams with the numbers 0 to 7, Leibniz

    ... the last is the most perfect and the Sabbath, for in it
    everything has been made and fulfilled; thus 7 is written 111
    without 0 ...

  (This last citation translated in Walker, p. 223. The original may
   be found in Widmaier (2), p. 187.)


  Couturat, Louis. La Logique de Leibniz, 1901. Reprint; Hildesheim: Olms,

  Smith, D.E. History of Mathematics. 2 vols. Boston: Ginn and Co.,

  Walker, D.P. The Ancient Theology. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
  Press, 1972.

  Widmaier, R. (1) Die Rolle der Chinesischen Schrift in Leibniz'
  Zeichentheorie. Wiesbaden: Franz Steinder Verlag, 1983.

  Widmaier, R. (2) ed. Leibniz korrespondiert mit China. Der
  Briefwechsel mit den Jesuitenmissionaren (1689-1714). Frankfurt:
  V. Klostermann, 1990.

  Zacher, H.J. Die Hauptschriften zur Dyadik von G.W. Leibniz,
  Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des binären Zahlensystem. Frankfurt:
  V. Klostermann, 1973.


  For more information on Kircher & Leibniz with regards to
  Chinese characters, see:


  (The beginning of article, written in overtly semiotic style, puts
   me off a bit, but the actual history is still interesting.
   It seems that the Chinese language and Han-zi (Kanji) characters
   created quite an intellectual stir among certain Europeans. -- AK).

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