[seqfan] Re: Divisor chains

Joseph S. Myers jsm at polyomino.org.uk
Tue May 4 22:40:55 CEST 2004

On Tue, 4 May 2004, Chuck Seggelin wrote:

> In about 6 hours of computing time, I've got 2283 chains for n=37 so far and
> clearly many more to go.
> There are 1572 chains that begin with 37,1,2,4,11.

Here are my figures for the version where the chain begins with n
(A094097) up to n=37.

a[1] = 1
a[2] = 1
a[3] = 1
a[4] = 1
a[5] = 1
a[6] = 1
a[7] = 1
a[8] = 5
a[9] = 4
a[10] = 3
a[11] = 2
a[12] = 8
a[13] = 4
a[14] = 6
a[15] = 47
a[16] = 44
a[17] = 6
a[18] = 37
a[19] = 6
a[20] = 166
a[21] = 462
a[22] = 232
a[23] = 372
a[24] = 2130
a[25] = 1589
a[26] = 9093
a[27] = 20896
a[28] = 20314
a[29] = 4118
a[30] = 32367
a[31] = 12815
a[32] = 167796
a[33] = 130528
a[34] = 59173
a[35] = 1942045
a[36] = 2607312
a[37] = 163775

Joseph S. Myers
jsm at polyomino.org.uk

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