[math-fun] Sum of last ten digits

Alexandre Wajnberg alexandre.wajnberg at skynet.be
Sat Dec 17 19:24:52 CET 2005

Concerning the loopings of sequences like:

%S A112395 
%N A112395 Next term is the sum of the last 10 digits in the sequence.
%C A112395 There are only 10^10 possibilities for the last 10 digits, so the
sequence must eventually cycle.
%C A112395 Terms computed by Gilles Sadowski.
%e A112395 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 6 = 23
%A A112395 Eric Angelini (eric.angelini(AT)kntv.be), Dec 05 2005

In fact, terms 19-23 (44, 40, 37, 42, 38) are repeated by terms 331-335
It seems the shortest loop of Éric Angelini's < sum of last ten digits > can
be found beginning with 9, and has a lenght of 1 term:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 18 27 36 45 54 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Searching randomly, I found that:
A loop of length 8 is possible, starting at 0, 6, 1, 8, 7, 8, 6, 6, 3, 0.
A loop of length 24 is possible, starting at 0, 4, 2, 1, 9, 7, 1, 7, 7, 4.
A loop of length 26 is possible, starting at 2, 3, 2, 7, 0, 9, 8, 7, 8, 4.
A loop of length 78 is possible, starting at 2, 2, 5, 2, 6, 0, 3, 8, 5, 7.

For example, starting with '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1' and letting the
sequence reflect the sum of the last '9 digits' (instead of 10) the
loop-size is 12203 (starting with term 14250), in stark contrast to
A112402's loop-length of only 312.

I asked to Michael D Beeler if he could do the same job (as he did before in
different bases, all beginning with 0,0,...0, 1), but here starting with s-1
zeros followed by a 2, a 3, ...a 9?
Here is his complete answer in base 10. Some patterns...
And sequences style "Lenght of loop for s=n beginning with (s-1) zero's
followed by the digit i"


------ Message transféré

Yes, it is not hard to get the cases you ask about.
The results are below.  I am assuming you are interested
only in decimal (radix = base = b = 10).  In the table
below, "digit" is the first non-zero digit.  So digit=1
is identical to the original problem.

        s=2 s=3 s=4 s=5 s=6 s=7 s=8   s=9 s=10
digit=1   8   4  50 171  14 461  78 12203  312
digit=2   8  10  50 171  39 461  78 12203  312
digit=3   8  10  12 171  13 461  26 12203  104
digit=4   8   4  50 171  39 461  78 12203  312
digit=5   8   4  50  63  39 461  78 12203  312
digit=6   8  10  12 171  69 461  26 12203  104
digit=7   3  15  50 171  69 461  78 12203  312
digit=8   8   4  50 171  39 461  78 12203  312
digit=9   8  10   1 171   1 461   1 12203    1

           s=11  s=12   s=13  s=14  s=15  s=16
digit=1  318880  2184  57725  5804  1401  9722
digit=2  318880  2184  57725  5804  1401  3251
digit=3  318880   728  57725  5804  6698  9722
digit=4  318880  2184  57725  5804  1401  3251
digit=5  318880  2184  57725  5804  6698  9722
digit=6  318880   728  57725  5804  6698  9722
digit=7  318880  2184  57725  5804  6698  5091
digit=8  318880  2184  57725  5804  1401  9722
digit=9  318880     1  57725     1  6698     1

For example, with s=3 and digit=7, the sequence begins
0 0 7 and falls into a loop that is 15 terms long.

Of course, just because one loop has the same number
of terms as another, that does not mean they are the
same loop.  (0 0 0 7) and (0 0 0 8) each fall into
loops of 50 terms, but they might be different loops.
I did not investigate whether any of the same loop-lengths
in the table above are actually the same loop.

There certainly are some curious patterns in the table.

In number sequences like this, I think decimal is kind of
an arbitrary radix.  That's why in my previous message I
generalized to various radixes.  But computing a table
like that above for several different radixes is a bit
of work, and might be overwhelming in the volume of data.
Maybe it is nice to stay with decimal when varying the
first non-zero digit.

-- Mike

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