Sequence for rigged voting machine

Alonso Del Arte alonso.delarte at
Mon Jan 31 01:13:48 CET 2005

Dear SeqFans,

If I may, I'd like to present a little sequence puzzle. Given a voting
machine rigged so that a vote for Kerry is counted as a vote for Bush
when the total vote count is divisible by 2, and a vote for Nader is
counted as a vote for Bush when the total vote count is divisible by
7, and Bush starts with 660 votes, Kerry with 347 and Nader with 2, it
is possible to sequence the votes so that either Kerry or Nader could
beat Bush? Also, is it possible to rig a machine in order to make sure
to a mathematical certainty that Bush wins by a very close margin?

This website has a mock-up of a voting machine rigged as described above:

Of course, the big difference between this mock-up and the real things
is that anyone can look at the source code of the mock-up.

Alonso del Arte

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