
Gerald McGarvey Gerald.McGarvey at comcast.net
Sat Sep 24 05:17:40 CEST 2005

A lookup of 1.4331274267223 in Plouffe's Inverter:

shows the following:
1433127426722311 = BesI(0,2)/BesI(1,2)

Looking up   bessel continued   in MathWorld shows a link to the following 
web page:
which shows the following formula for the reciprocal the number:
     I_1(2)/I_O(2) = 0.697774658


PS, I used the XNumbers Excel addin to do the calculation. XNumbers is also 
available for the
OpenOffice.org Calc spreadsheet software (although I haven't gotten it to 
work with Calc yet, I
think I need a newer version of Calc). XNumbers provides multi-precision 
arithmetic and lots of functions,
and is free, as is Calc.

At 06:08 PM 9/23/2005, Richard Guy wrote:
>A 103736 appears to duplicate A 001040.
>[First term is suspect]
>Incidentally, what is the number
>(something like 1.433141065...)
>represented by the continued
>fraction??    R.
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