Need help with sequences

Zakir Seidov zakseidov at
Thu Dec 28 05:56:24 CET 2006

If we reduce slightly the requirement and
look for numbers n such that n|tanya4(n), then we have
{{4, 1}, {8, 2}, {64, 4}, {8192, 8}, {964, 17}, {9040, 29},
{20, 52}, {68,64}, {1024, 68}, {7, 624}, {384, 694},
{112,768}, {284, 924}, {14, 1172}, {20, 3281},
{1, 4624}, {2, 6656}, {8, 8234}, {28, 9664},
{4, 98384}, {1, 595968}},..

Next term(s)?

Some SeqFan with C++ may wish to go further,


tanya4[n_]:=(Plus @@ (4^IntegerDigits[n]))

--- Tanya Khovanova <tanyakh at> wrote:

> Number 1:
> 4624, 595968 - Numbers n such that the sum of the 4
> to the powers of its digits equals n.

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