lookup suggestion: subsequences

Russ Cox rsc at swtch.com
Fri Jan 27 00:34:46 CET 2006

> N. J. A. Sloane wrote:
> > YES, but the ones that preserve your order will appear first, I
> believe
> That's not true.  For example, query "1 2 3" gives A000217 as the
> second hit (this sequence does not contain term 2 at all),
> A000142 as the third hit (and this sequence does not contain term 3 at
> all) and only then A000041 which contains precisely "1,2,3".
> Is it a bug or what?

Having the same order does get a sequence higher
in the results, but they have to  be next to each other,
not just anywhere.  So if you type in 1 2 3, then a 
sequence with 1,2 will appear higher than one without.
But 1,0,2,0,3 doesn't get bumped up.  Sorry.

As for the sequence not containing 3 at all, it does,
but it's in the text instead of the sequence data.
You might have better luck with

	seq:1 seq:2 seq:3

which means sequence data contains 1 *and* sequence
data contains 2 *and* sequence data contains 3.


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