Hiding seq.fan's email address

Leroy Quet qq-quet at mindspring.com
Sat Jul 15 18:40:07 CEST 2006

I wrote:

>I may have his wrong, for I am kind of ignorant when it comes to matters 
>of computing.
>But as I understand it, "bots" search the web for email addresses; then 
>the newly-discovered email addresses receive a bunch of spam/viruses.
>Well, even though seq.fan has a spam-filter, as I think have read at some 
>point, it may be a good idea to hide any mention of seq.fan's email 
>address on the internet by, say, replacing each "@" with an "(at)" (as is 
>done already with OEIS contributers email addresses).
>Well,I notice that seq.fan's old email address appears undisguised at:
>(Could this be the reason for much of the spam I have received lately? -- 
>Each spam email, including an attachment, has a randomnly-generated title 
>usually consisting of two random but harmless-looking words written in 
>all lower case. I get a couple of these a day. Are others on this list 
>getting these?)
>So I suggest that:
>1) When seq.fan moves to its new address, ALL mentions of the address on 
>the web should be disguised.
>2) Seq.fan should automatically block all attachments (and maybe all 
>emails with attachments) from being distributed.

I realize that the seq.fan blocks all emails from people not on the list 
(I think).
But is there a way around this exploited by spammers?
Perhaps someone on the list is sending out spam unknowingly from their 

Leroy Quet

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