request for advice

cino hilliard hillcino368 at
Mon Mar 13 01:41:03 CET 2006

Hi Fans,

>From: franktaw at
>To: gould at, njas at, seqfan at
>Subject: Re: request for advice
>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 14:55:01 -0500
>There's some truth to that, but really, the same argument applies to 
>mathematics as a whole.  Journals reject articles all the time because they 
>are not sufficiently interesting.

I read and deleted all the entries in this thread, except this one. I do not 
remember who wrote
what. Nevertheless, my mind formed some thoughts about this subject. I 
present them here.

It is wonderful that Shakespeare wrote ABOUT  Kings and Queens and the 
Wealthy and the
affluent and the in the know and not TO them. Why? Because they would have 
thought it
uninteresting. Davinci, Galileo, and many others wrote and kept their ideas 
secret. Why? because
the Big shots the Journals and the Oppressive would find their work 
uninteresting. So it
was, so be it. But, just a tiny but tiny request: lets keep one of these 
the Journals will undoubtedly find uninteresting for interests sake. Sorry 
about that Marty. -:)

The fIrst time I recall taking interest in "interesting" (NPI) was in the 
50's when I saw an old movie
with Peter Lori who, in a character, role said "Velley intellesting." Us 
kids quoted that for months to
come at high school, the pool room and wherever we were in congregation. I 
wonder what we woud have done had he said "Velly unintellesting?" Anyone 
recall that film?

Today I am no longer sure what interesting means. It is a catch all word 
like good and bad. If the
teacher asks you to do a book review on Moby Dick, and if you want to fail, 
you will write "it was a good book, it was an interesting book."

And... Mellville's Mobi Dick, a tretease on whaling - a sequence so to 
speak, did not become famous until 50 years afrer Mellville's death.

Finally, Also I have some reservations using the word probation for an idea. 
You put people on
probation - Criminal, Bar room, scholastic, marital, romantic, ostrasistic, 
etc. Why not use the anthitisis of our favorite obfuscation - UNINTeresting? 
True you can put an inanimate object on
probation but probation normally refers to some form of supervision and 
progress reports before a
person's removal. Editing the sequence to compliance or group approval 
serves no purpose to
ameoloriate the author. I guess you could put a dog on probation but isn't 
that really putting the
trainer on probation?

Thanks for hearing me out.

Heire is what I try to do in submitting sequences. Some of these are from 
the Book.

1. Is it in a publication?
2. Does a conjecture or theorem follow?
3. Is it from a website post or idea?
4. Is it less than 4 repetitions of the same concept with different 
parameters in the GF?
5. Why is it interesting to me?  It occurred in a dream, watching a ball 
game for example.
6. Will the man on the street understand it? Can you explain it William F 
Buckley or George Bush?
7. Does it have a practical application?

At least 2 of these should be answered.
Number 4 should be manditory, unless done by the Editors. Sometime you need 
filler to curb
future trivial inventions to save editorial time. Number 6 is my philosophy. 
If you cannot explain it to the man on the street it Ain't worth knowing. 
That is my philosopy but I do not always abide.
Number 7 is 1 in a million. Perhaps the answer is a resounding yes: it is 
FUN and down the road important! This is in the same sense as does a new 
born child have a practical application? Yes indeed!

Have fun in the facinating world of numbers and when in doubt Journalize,
Cino hilliard

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