Plot function

Leroy Quet qq-quet at
Fri May 26 17:58:19 CEST 2006

Neil wrote:

>Creighton, for several reasons we
>are now going to precompute all the plots
>and will store them on the server.
>One plot per sequence.
>Though I agree it would be nice to be able to plot
>one sequence against another, that is something the
>use will have to do himself

I am saddened that there will be only one pre-computed plot per sequence.

I like Creighton's idea, and I still like the 3 ideas I posed earlier on 
this group ((n,log(a(n))) plots, connecting adjacent plotted points, and 
plotting numerator sequences and denominator sequences together as a plot 
of rationals {numerator/denominator}s).

And I would also like to have a choice of type of graph (scatter/pin/etc 
etc, maybe even polar).

Basically, I would like sequences to be plotted at the time they are 
requested so that users can have *options* on how the plots are made.

In my opinion, there is no hurry to institute these ideas. I just would 
like it if they are instituted eventually, so I of course hope the 
technical difficulties can someday be overcome.

Leroy Quet

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