king chickens

N. J. A. Sloane njas at
Wed Nov 15 06:13:02 CET 2006

can anyone extend this?

%I A123553
%S A123553 1,2,12,104
%N A123553 A "king chicken" in a tournament graph (a directed labeled graph on n nodes) is a player A who for any other player B either beats B directly or beats someone who beats B.  Sequence gives total number of king chickens in all 2^(n(n-1)/2) tourna
%C A123553 H. G. Landau showed in 1951 that a player is a king chicken if and only if he has the highest score. There may be several king chickens in a tournament.
%D A123553 S. B. Maurer, The king chicken theorems, Math. Mag., 53 (1980), 67-80.
%e A123553 For n = 3 there are 8 tournaments: six of the form A beats B and C, and B beats C, with one king chicken (A), and two of the form A beats B beats C beats A, with three king chickens each (A or B or C), for a total of 6*1 + 2*3 = 12.
%K A123553 nonn,more,new
%O A123553 1,2
%A A123553 njas, Nov 14 2006


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