Error-finding program

Paul D. Hanna pauldhanna at
Wed Oct 25 12:56:07 CEST 2006

     The splitting of an element can occur when a submission is made via 
direct e-mail to Neil by cut and paste of a line that word-wraps to
Example, if I cut and paste the following line into an e-mail message:
clearly I mean it to be '62' for the last element, but it becomes '6,2'
since spaces are interpretted as delimiters along with commas. 
This is likely the cause of the error in A086377 at position 26 and 27.
If one submits sequences by using the submission page, I believe that 
this error is less likely to occur. 
I will send a correction to A086377 via COMMENT soon. 
On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 23:57:02 -0400 "David Wilson"
<davidwwilson at> writes:
T.D. Noe just found an error in A057886, to wit:

%U A057886

The element 1090 was split into two elements 10,90 by a typo or
inaccurate submission.

In this case, looking at the graph immediately raises suspicion, because
a general trend is punctuated by two very small values.

Some very common errors in OEIS sequences are:

- Lexically splitting elements
- Lexically joining adjacent elements
- Omitting elements
- Transposing elements
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