Diophantine equation x+y^2+z^3=n^4

zak seidov zakseidov at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 10 02:19:18 CEST 2006

Dear seqfans,

I've just submitted:

solutions to equation x+y^2+z^3=n^4 (see below).
1) Can anyone check/extend entries?

2) What about case of all distinct x,y,z:

2a) n=2 3 (of total 5) solns:

2b) n=2 23 (of total 27) solns:

2c) n=1..10: 0,3,23,69,155,293,508,799,1205,1732 solns

thanks, Zak

%I A000001
%S A000001 0, 5, 27, 75, 163, 303, 521, 815, 1223,
%N A000001 a(n) = number of solutions to the
Diophantine equation 
x+y^2+z^3=n^4 with positive x,y,z.
%e A000001 a(2)=5 because there are five solutions to
x+y^2+z^3=2^4 with
a(3)=27 because there are 27 solutions to equation
x+y^2+z^3=3^4 with
%O A000001 1
%K A000001 ,more,nice,nonn,
%A A000001 Zak Seidov (zakseidov at yahoo.com), Sep 09

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