SeqFan Withdrawal.

Antti Karttunen antti.karttunen at
Tue Jan 9 03:54:30 CET 2007

Just for your information:

I unsubscribe from this list for now. One of the reasons is that this hectic
mail for mail, message for message "communication" is not conducive to 
any deeper
thoughts on any subject, and doesn't really bring the best out of me.
Also, it distracts me from the work which I should finish, at last.

With the help of this list I have met in person a few great people,
to whom I will remain grateful, as they have offered their sincerest
hospitality to me in my travels. I hope to pay it back some day.

I probably will come to fetch digests from the list server now and then,
to see if there are writings from any of the contributors whose creative
insights I have liked in the past.

Also, if there will be any news and discussion about the 
"librarisation" of OEIS (a la Jaap Spies' SAGE-related project)
or other new features, you can always drop me a CC: at
Antti.Karttunen at
Or about the automorphisms of certain combinatorial structures, and
the like. But I can always check the digests as well.

Note that I have redirected the older, spam-infested -address
(still present in many of the entries I have submitted)
to another gmail-account, that I read quite rarely, once in month or two.

I will remain a member of OEIS associate editors list, so you can
also reach me through it. Maybe after this step it's also easier for
me to maintain my objectivity in that role, and have more time
to actually do something on it.

Good Bye,

Antti Karttunen

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