Request for more Python programs

Jaap Spies j.spies at
Thu Jan 4 16:44:31 CET 2007

Alec Mihailovs wrote:
> From: "Jaap Spies" <j.spies at>
>> Alec, it seems that you will get what you want!
> That would be excellent!

 From the todo list for SAGE-2.0 due in about 4 weeks

== Building and Accessibility Improvements ==

   * William Stein: much more build testing and fixes for older Linux distro's, os's,
     etc. (in particular, make numpy build robustly (i.e., system-blas
     off by default on linux since it never works anyways)).
        - Martin Albrecht: fix that PARI + Debian Sarge Build Problem

   * William Stein: MS Windows -- support Cygwin fully (and only cygwin)
== New code ==
   * William Stein / Yi Qiang: include first version of Yi's distributed SAGE
   * Josh Kantor: include and test Kantor's ODE solver:
        -Marshall Hampton, University of Minnesota, Duluth, hamptonio at
   * William Stein, Tom Boothby: Import and export of worksheets and
     notebooks to latex, html, and plain text.
   * Jaap Spies, etc.: code for OEIS (online encyclopedia of integer sequences)


See also:


Artur said:
Numbers n such that Exp[Pi Sqrt[n]] is closest next integer less than  
A127020 eps < 10^-1
Numbers n such that Exp[Pi Sqrt[n]] is closest previous integer less than  
A127026 eps < 10^-1

But since he did, let me say that:
The OEIS convention is to use human notation rather than Mma symbols,
%N A127020 Let f(n) = exp(Pi*sqrt(n)); sequence gives numbers n such that ceiling(f(n))-f(n) < 1/10.
%N A127021 Let f(n) = exp(Pi*sqrt(n)); sequence gives numbers n such that ceiling(f(n))-f(n) < 1/10^2.
%N A127030 Let f(n) = exp(Pi*sqrt(n)); sequence gives numbers n such that f(n)-floor(f(n)) < 1/10^5.
%N A127031 Let f(n) = exp(Pi*sqrt(n)); sequence gives numbers n such that f(n)-floor(f(n)) < 1/10^6.

Also, just to make things more difficult, Artur submitted several pairs
of sequences with the same A-numbers, for example:
%I A127030
%S A127030 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22
%N A127030 Maximal value of power m such that 3^m divided n! (3^m < n!)
%I A127030
%S A127030 652, 2608, 22905, 54295, 95041
%N A127030 Numbers n such that Exp[Pi Sqrt[n]] is closest previous integer less than 10^(
and A127031 was never submitted. (I will reconstruct it.)

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