definition of anti-divisor

Diana Mecum diana.mecum at
Sat Jul 21 14:38:37 CEST 2007

Dr. Sloane,

As far as the second definition, and

> %C A130799 Non-divisor: a number k which does not divide a given number x.
Anti-divisor: a non-divisor k of x with the property that k is an odd
divisor of 2x-1 or 2x+1, or an even divisor of 2x.

> This definition also fails for n = 3: it gives 5 antidivisors,

According to the second definition, above, an antidivisor must first be a
non-divisor of x. {4, 5, 6, 7} are not non-divisors of 3. Therefore, I
believe that the second definition is correct as it stands.


On 7/21/07, N. J. A. Sloane <njas at> wrote:
> Dear seqfans, There are currently two versions
> of the definition of anti-divisor in the OEIS:
> %C A066272 If an odd number d in the range 1 < d < n divides N
> where N is any one of 2n-1, 2n or 2n+1
> then N/d is called an anti-divisor of n.
> %e A066272 For example, n = 18: 2n-1, 2n, 2n+1 are 35, 36, 37 with odd
> divisors > 1 {5,7,35}, {3,9}, {37} and quotients 7, 5, 1, 12, 4, 1, so the
> anti-divisors of 18 are 4, 5, 7, 12. Therefore a(18) = 4.
> But this definition fails for n = 3, as someone mentioned last night.
> We know from the OEIS that 3 has a single antidivisor, 2.
> According to this definition 3 has no antidivisors.
> There is also this program, which I have not checked:
> %t A066272 antid[ n_ ] := Select[ Union[ Join[ Select[ Divisors[ 2n - 1 ],
> OddQ[ # ] && # != 1 & ], Select[ Divisors[ 2n + 1 ], OddQ[ # ] && # != 1 &
> ], 2n/Select[ Divisors[ 2*n ], OddQ[ # ] && # != 1 & ] ] ] }, # < n & ] ];
> Table[ Length[ antid[ n ] ], {n, 1, 100} ]
> The other definition is:
> %I A130799
> %S A130799
> 2,3,2,3,4,2,3,5,3,5,2,6,3,4,7,2,3,7,5,8,2,3,5,9,3,4,9,2,6,10,3,11,
> %T A130799
> 2,3,5,7,11,4,5,7,12,2,3,13,3,8,13,2,6,14,3,4,5,9,15,2,3,5,9,15,7,
> %U A130799
> 16,2,3,7,10,17,3,4,17,2,5,6,11,18,3,5,8,11,19,2,3,19,4,12,20,2,3,7
> %N A130799 Triangle read by rows in which row n (n>=3) list the
> anti-divisors of n.
> %C A130799 Non-divisor: a number k which does not divide a given number x.
> Anti-divisor: a non-divisor k of x with the property that k is an odd
> divisor of 2x-1 or 2x+1, or an even divisor of 2x.
> %C A130799 There are no anti-divisors of 1 and 2.
> %e A130799 Anti-divisors of 3 through 20:
> %e A130799 3: 2
> %e A130799 4: 3
> %e A130799 5: 2, 3
> %e A130799 6: 4
> %e A130799 7: 2, 3, 5
> %e A130799 8: 3, 5
> %e A130799 9: 2, 6
> This definition also fails for n = 3: it gives 5 antidivisors,
> 2,4,5,6,7.
> The term anti-divisor seems to be due to Jon Perry.
> I wish I understood the motivation for the definition!
> There are links to various webpages of his, but they are all broken
> and he has not responded to my emails.
> It seems to me that both of the above definitions are incorrect, and
> should be changed to:
> Definition: If an odd number i in the range 1 < i <= n divides N
> where N is any one of 2n-1, 2n or 2n+1
> then d = N/i is called an anti-divisor of n.
> Equivalently, an anti-divisor of n is a number d in the range [1..n]
> which does not divide n and is either an odd divisor of 2n-1 or 2n+1,
> or an even divisor of 2n.
> Now both definitions seem to work correctly for n=3, giving
> a single anti-divisor, 2.
> But I'm not too confident about all this - comments anyone?
> As I said, I wish I understood the motivation for the definition!
> Neil

"God made the integers, all else is the work of man."
L. Kronecker, Jahresber. DMV 2, S. 19.

"God made the integers, all else is the work of man."
L. Kronecker, Jahresber. DMV 2, S. 19.
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